Why single keyword ad groups (SKAGs) still matter in 2024

October 10, 2024
single keyword ad groups (SKAGs)
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Keywords. If you’re associated with digital marketing agencies, you’ve probably heard this term thrown around a lot. Keywords are the words or phrases people search for when they’re looking for something online. And ad groups are like little buckets where you put related keywords together.

In this blog we’re diving into the world of single keyword ad groups (SKAGs) and why they remain relevant even in the ever-evolving landscape of Google Ads. Why they are so important for a social media marketing company. So, why should you care about single keyword ad groups? Isn’t it easier to just throw all our keywords into one big pot? Let’s unpack this. 

Think of it this way: Imagine you’re a customer looking for a new pair of shoes. You might search for “running shoes, “sports shoes,” or “athletic footwear.” If a company has all these keywords in one ad group, their ad might not be as relevant to your specific search.

But with a single keyword ad group, that company could have separate ad groups for “running shoes,” “sports shoes,” and “athletic footwear.” This means they can tailor their ads to match your exact search, making them more likely to catch your eye and get you to click.

So, Why do single keyword ad groups still matter?

While some might argue that the days of single keyword ad groups (SKAGs) are over, we are here to tell you that they still have a crucial role to play in your paid search strategy. Let’s look at some of the key advantages of using single keyword ad groups:

Pinpoint Targeting:

SKAGs allow you to target exactly what you want. This means your ads are highly relevant to the search query, which leads to a better user experience.

Higher Quality Score:

A relevant ad is more likely to be clicked on. This translates to a higher Quality Score, which means lower costs per click (CPCs) and better ad positioning.

Precise Adjustments:

With SKAGs, you can adjust your bids for each individual keyword. This gives you unparalleled control over your budget and allows you to focus on the most profitable terms.

Avoid Overspending:

If a particular keyword isn’t performing well, you can easily reduce its bid or pause it altogether.

Tailored Messaging:

When you have a single keyword per ad group, you can create more targeted and persuasive ad copy. This can lead to higher click-through rates (CTRs) and conversions.

Stronger Call to Action:

A well-crafted ad copy can encourage users to take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting a quote.

Outmaneuver Competitors:

While some advertisers may opt for broader ad groups, SKAGs can give you a competitive edge. By targeting specific keywords, you can capture more relevant traffic and potentially outrank your competitors.

Dominate Niche Markets:

If you’re targeting a highly competitive niche, SKAGs can help you stand out from the crowd and attract qualified leads.


So, while it might seem tempting to simplify things by using broader ad groups, the benefits of single keyword ad groups for a SEO company is undeniable. By taking the time to create separate ad groups for each keyword, you can improve your ad performance, enhance the user experience, and gain a competitive edge in the digital marketplace. Remember, the goal is to connect with your target audience in a meaningful way. Single keyword ad groups are a powerful tool to help you achieve that goal.


1. What are Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs)?

SKAGs are ad groups that contain only one keyword. This highly targeted approach aims to improve ad relevance and quality scores.

2. What are the benefits of using SKAGs in digital advertising?

Using SKAGs can lead to several benefits, including:

Improved ad relevance: SKAGs ensure that your ads are highly relevant to the specific keyword, increasing the likelihood of clicks.

Higher quality scores: Relevant ads tend to have higher quality scores, which can lead to lower costs per click and better ad rankings.

Better targeting: By focusing on single keywords, you can more precisely target your ideal audience.

3. How do Single Keyword Ad Groups improve ad performance?

SKAGs can improve ad performance by:

Increasing click-through rates (CTR): Highly relevant ads are more likely to be clicked on.

Lowering costs per click (CPC): Higher quality scores can result in lower CPCs.

Improving conversion rates: Relevant ads are more likely to lead to conversions, such as purchases or sign-ups.

4. How have changes in PPC advertising affected the use of SKAGs?

While SKAGs have been a popular strategy for many years, changes in PPC advertising, such as the increasing importance of match types and keyword bidding strategies, have influenced their use. 

5. How can I set up effective Single Keyword Ad Groups for my campaigns?

The steps to set up effective SKAGs are;

Identify your target keywords: Conduct thorough keyword research to find relevant terms.

Create separate ad groups: For each target keyword, create a dedicated ad group.

Write highly relevant ads: Tailor your ad copy to match the specific keyword.

Monitor and optimize: Regularly review your SKAGs’ performance and make necessary adjustments, such as adjusting bids or refining ad copy.

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